Non Toxic and Safe Holi Color paint powder
Are you looking for holi color? Kingdom of Colors supplies holi colors for all type of events like; color runs, holi sport events, holi photo shoots, Holi Charity Event and much more. Our holi color come straight from our factory. This way we can offer you the best prices in the market for holi color!
Holi colors are available in a wide range of shades. Almost all colours are possible, even Neon Holi Colours, UV Holi Colours, Golden powder, Silver powder and Fluor holi colors. Would you like to have your own color mixed? Just let us know which color you are looking for. Contact us for more about our Holi Colours information and possibilities.
Holi color packaging and logo printing
Make your event more special with our free full color logo service. You can show your logo on all the holi powder bags, for bigger branding and recognisability. The logo service is available for orders starting from 2.500 kg. For order below 2500 kg we charge according to your requirements. Our studio can support you with the design and copy of your logo.
Quality holi colors
Kingdom of Colors delivers only 100% non-toxic holi colors. Our holi powders are eco-friendly and made without chemicals or heavy metals. It won’t irritate the skin or causes itching and rashes. We pay a lot of attention to safety and the environment.
Do you have any questions about holi color? Kingdom of Color is the biggest holi powder supplier and exporter in the world. Non Toxic and Safe Holi Color paint powder. Send your request or question by e-mail or contactform and you will get an answer in 6 hours!
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«World´s No 1. Wholesale Supplier»
+31 (0)62 48 14 331
[maxbutton id=»3″]
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_cta admin_label=»Powder calculator – Call To Action» global_module=»1113″ saved_tabs=»all» title=»Caclulate your Powder» button_url=»/powdercalculator/» url_new_window=»off» button_text=»Calculate it now» use_background_color=»on» background_color=»#f5a526″ background_layout=»dark» text_orientation=»center» header_font=»|on|||» header_font_size=»15″ body_font_size=»14″ use_border_color=»off» border_color=»#ffffff» border_style=»solid» custom_button=»off» button_text_size=»20″ button_border_width=»2″ button_border_radius=»3″ button_letter_spacing=»0″ button_use_icon=»default» button_icon_placement=»right» button_on_hover=»on» button_border_radius_hover=»3″ button_letter_spacing_hover=»0″]
[/et_pb_cta][et_pb_accordion admin_label=»USP » global_module=»803″ saved_tabs=»all» module_class=»accordion_2″ open_toggle_background_color=»#f8f8f8″ closed_toggle_background_color=»#f8f8f8″ icon_color=»#81d742″ toggle_font_size=»12″ body_font_size=»14″ use_border_color=»on» border_color=»#ffffff» border_style=»solid» custom_padding=»||15px|» custom_css_main_element=» border-radius: 0px 10px 10px 0px;»][et_pb_accordion_item title=»VDI 2263(1) Non Dust Expl»]
Our product is tested NON DUST EXPLOSIVE VDI 2263(1) in Germany. Report on request.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Cosm 1223 / 2009 approved»]Ingredients used in our products are approved under European Union Cosmetic regulation 1223 / 2009.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»OSHA / USA Non Dust Expl»]Our product is tested NON DUST EXPLOSIVE / OSHA in USA. Report on request.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»EN 71 Part III approved»]Our product is tested under EN 71 Part III. Documentation on request.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Worldwide Delivery»]We do fast and reliable worldwide shipping. We always choose the cheapest /fastest and most efficient option. We use Air Freight / Sea Freight / DHL / Truck delivery. A pick up from our warehouse is also possible.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Free Sample Service»]We offer our clients free sample service to test our product. The samples are free of cost. Note: We might charge you for the courier costs.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Best Rates in the World»]We supply direct from our production unit. We always have at least 50.000 KG in stock. Because we work with large volumes we can offer the best rates in the market.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»FREE Logo Printing»]What is more fun then having your own logo on your packaging. We offer this service starting from 25.000 bags. Please respect a lead time of approx 9 weeks. Faster is possible, but extra costs will be there.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Highest Quality Powder»]We keep improving our products all the time to meet the latest EU and US standards. Suggestions are always welcome.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Easy to Clean Colors»]Our colors are easy to wash from your event venue and skin. The product washes also easy out of hair and clothes. Do not wear your best white shirt to a color event. Damaged or bleached hair might absorb some color.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»100% Safe Product»]Our products only contain products approved by F&DA (Food and Drug Administration) and EN 71-3 and 1223 – 2009. No heavy metals.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Supplier large Color Runs»]Our Colors are used all over the world by respected Color Runs. We do full warehousing / logistics and supply their color stations and provide the party bags for finish parties. Additional products can be bought on requiest.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Supplier Worldwide Festivals»]Our colors are used all over the world by small and large Festivals. We can deliver last minute when the number of visitors is clear to the organizers. A reservation in advance is much appreciated
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Supplier NGO´s / Fundraisers»]We have catered many NGO´s and Fundraisers with our products. We always try to do something extra and to keep the rates as low as possible for these type of events.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Supplier Dealers / Webshops»]We have a network of dealers around the world that offer our products. From small webshops to large suppliers. We offer them the best products in the world. We advice them how to grow their business and together we make sure all clients worldwide have the right products at the right place at the right time.
[/et_pb_accordion_item][et_pb_accordion_item title=»Fast communications»]We always answer your emails within a few hours. Be aware we can be indifferent time zones. We guide our clients through the whole process of organizing a color event. We give you transparent advice on our rates for product and delivery.