Cleaning Holi Powder Venue / Cleaning and washing holi colour powder
When people organize a Color Run or organize another Holi Event we try to guide them through the process. It starts with buying quality powder. This we offer them in bulk holi and holi party bags. Together we calculate the needs for the quantity of powder. If necessary we discuss the project together to ensure the Holi Event will be successful. Kingdom of Colors is not just a Colored powder supplier, we are a Holi partner. After every Color party or Color Event, comes the cleaning part. Depending on the scale of your Holi Event we have a suitable advice for you. With a blower, a broom and water most venues are clean in no time. For Color Runs the cleaning is often more easy then for a Color Festival. This as the Colors for a Color Run are not spread out and only used at the Color Stations. Let us know if you have any questions or need advice for the cleaning part of your Color Event.
Washing of Holi powder paint from skin and out of hair
Of course there is not only the cleaning of the venue after a Holi Event. There is also the visitors or color runners that are covered with colored powder. We have worked several years on the quality of our product. Our Holi Colors are made with ingredients allowed in de Cosmetics and Food industry in US and EU. Color party visitors can remove 90% of the powder by shaking and brushing of their clothes and hair. The rest of the color powder will disappear after taking a shower and just washing your clothes in a washing machine. The hair, can be washed with normal shampoo. Only if there has been rain all day of the color event, or in case of damaged hair, a slight haze might be in the hair. After washing it several times it usually disappears. We offer the highest quality holi colors and ingredients in the world. We never face problems. Millions of people have been covered with our product in the past years. Cleaning and washing holi colour powder is not an issue with our product.
Non Toxic and Eco Friendly Holi Colours
When it comes to advising clients with their holi events or business there is several hot topics. The quantity and price of the Holi Color Powders. The cleaning of the Holi party venue and last but not least: the safety / health and environment part.
Non Dust explosive Holi Colors
Our Holi Colors are non flammable and tested Non dust explosive in USA. We have always paid a lot of attention to safety. For this reason we use only safe and approved ingredients. No heavy metals are used in our production of holi colors. The coloring is done with E / C.I. numbers approved in the Food and Cosmetic industry. Further we advice people to party in a responsible way. It is not a big problem if the colors for instance come in your eyes. But we advice to aim lower or straight in the air when throwing Holi Coloured powder. If you are interested in our non flammable / non dust explosive product, please contact us. Our MSDS and other lab tests can be shared if needed.
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